
Trusting your AI Agent Emotionally and Cognitively: Development and Validation of a Semantic Differential Scale for AI Trust

Ruoxi Shang, Gary Hsieh, Chirag Shah

AIES 2024: AAAI Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society


How Do Analysts Understand and Verify AI-Assisted Data Analyses?

Ken Gu, Ruoxi Shang, Tim Althoff, Chenglong Wang, Steven M. Drucker

CHI 2024: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


IntroBot: Exploring the Use of Chatbot-assisted Familiarization in Online Collaborative Groups

Donghoon Shin, Soomin Kim, Ruoxi Shang, Joonhwan Lee, Gary Hsieh

CHI 2023: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Why Am I Not Seeing It? Understanding Users’ Needs for Counterfactual Explanations in Everyday Recommendations

Ruoxi Shang, KJ Kevin Feng, Chirag Shah

FAccT 2022: ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency

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“What’s going on in Accessibility Research?” Frequencies and Trends of Disability Categories and Research Domains in Publications at ASSETS

Ather Sharif, Ploypilin Pruekcharoen, Thrisha Ramesh, Ruoxi Shang, Spencer Williams, Gary Hsieh

ASSETS 2022: ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility


Giving and Receiving: Reciprocal Review Exchange in Online Fanfiction Communities

Ruoxi Shang, Zile Xiao, Jenna Frens, Cecilia Aragon

CSCW 2021 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing


Feature fusion network based on attention mechanism for 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds

Heng Zhou, Zhijun Fang, Yongbin Gao, Bo Huang, Cengsi Zhong, Ruoxi Shang

Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020


Interpretable machine learning for predicting biomethane production in industrial-scale anaerobic co-digestion

Djavan De Clercq, Zongguo Wen, Fan Fei, Luis Caicedo, Kai Yuan, Ruoxi Shang

Science of the Total Environment, 2020


Machine learning powered software for accurate prediction of biogas production: A case study on industrial-scale Chinese production data

Djavan De Clercq, Devansh Jalota, Ruoxi Shang, Kunyi Ni, Zhuxin Zhang, Areeb Khan, Zongguo Wen, Luis Caicedo, Kai Yuan

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019