Prompt Surfing DRG - Course Schedule

Week 1 (1/8/2024) - Introductions


  • Introduce the course topic and structure as well as some case studies

Discussions and Activities

  • Introductions, expectations, and student projects
  • Setting the stage: What is prompt engineering?
  • Introduction to GenAI Applications
  • It’s not just ChatGPT: Other LLMs & non-text systems (e.g., audio, text, 3D models) (AH)

Central Activity

  • Playing with an LLM: In groups, get ChatGPT to write a children’s story. What do you notice?

Required Reading

Additional Resources

Week 2 - HOLIDAY

Week 3 (1/22/2024) - Text


  • Explanation of text generation and exploration of an open-source alternative to ChatGPT, including an exercise with model guardrails

Discussions and Activities

  • Reading discussion
  • What does it mean to generate text? (AH)
    • What is a token?
    • What is a token window?
    • What is a transformer?
  • Intro to “Break a GPT”
    • AS does point of view shifts
    • AH does “I like to pretend”

Central Activity

  • Break a GPT: Working in groups to get ChatGPT to spit out something unexpected or aberrant
    • What do I mean by break?
    • Can we define breakage?

Required Reading

  • Talking about Large Language Models(from a researcher at Deepmind, this is useful for terms and concepts as well as a good guide for how to think about these systems as a whole.)

Additional Resources

Week 4 (1/29/2024) - Images


  • Discussion of the impact of early image generators (ca 2022-2023)
  • Introduction to image generation via Latent Diffusion Models
  • Exercise with Stable Diffusion

Discussions and Activities

  • Reading discussion
  • Introduction to image generation
  • Play with an image generator
  • How do we install one of our own?

Central Activity

  • Getting started with a project: Get together to talk about project ideas

Required Reading

Additional Resources

Week 5 (2/5/2024) - Interpretation


  • Discussion of means and methods of interpretation of model output, including recent research on LLMs and a design case study of image classification

Discussions and Activities

  • Do we know what’s happening in these systems? Interpreting LLMs
  • What are some means/methods of interpretability? (transition to the reading)
  • How do we think about interpretability when we can’t see what’s going on?
  • Introduce image generator (Again, AH)

Central Activity

  • Play with an image generator

Required Reading

Additional Resources

Week 6 (2/12/2024) - Change


  • Discussion of community impact on model development and the impact/import of biases in model output

Discussions and Activities

  • How do communities change model outputs?
  • WHO IS US?!

Central Activity

  • Consultation (AH, AS, BC): 3 groups (4 people per group), 15 min per person

Required Reading

Additional Resources

Week 7 - HOLIDAY

Week 8 (2/26/2024) - Project


  • Collaborative critique of in-progress work

Discussions and Activities

  • What have you been working on? (start with original groups, then do a rotation)
  • Collaborative critique

Central Activity

  • Collaborative critique

Required Reading

  • No reading for this week. Focus on your collaborative critique submission and your project.

Additional Resources

Week 9 (3/4/2024) - Testing


  • Testing and review of work by peers and the teaching team

Discussions and Activities

  • Test out what you have been making/writing/breaking
  • Returning to a reading (the class picks a reading for today that we all promise to (re)read heavily and discuss)
  • How do these systems impact humans?

Central Activity

  • Have students prepare ONE question for the class on what is blocking them or troubling them

Required Reading

  • No reading for this week. Focus on your project.

Additional Resources

Week 10 (3/11/2024) - Feedback

Discussions and Activities

  • Demo what you’ve been making/writing/breaking